11 meal planning Common pitfalls for beginners

Common pitfalls in beginners' meal planning

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of healthy eating? Do you dream of stress-free weeknights where dinner magically appears on the table? You’re not alone. Studies show that 72% of people who struggle with maintaining a healthy diet report feeling overwhelmed by meal planning [*]. But fear not. This guide is your roadmap to becoming a … Read more

Beginner’s Meal Prep Guide for weight loss & muscle building 

Meal prep and Muscle Building

Building muscle requires dedication not just in the gym, but also in the kitchen. A staggering 70% of adults struggle with time constraints that prevent them from eating healthy, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics [*]. This is where meal prepping comes in – a powerful … Read more

What Diet Myths Strength Training Newbies Should Avoid?  

Diet Myths for Strength Training

So you’ve hit the gym, ready to sculpt your dream physique. Awesome! But hold on, are you confused by all the crazy diet advice floating around, especially regarding strength training meal plans for beginners and pre and post workout nutrition?  Forget starving yourself! New research shows you actually need to eat enough to build muscle. … Read more

Sticking to Healthy Eating for Beginners

healthy Eating Strength Training

Did you know that over two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese? While genetics play a role, a significant contributor to this statistic is the ease of access to unhealthy processed foods. These foods are engineered to be hyper-palatable, triggering the brain’s reward system and making it difficult to resist.  This … Read more

Diet for Weightlifting Newbies: Lean Muscle & Strength Gains 

Weightlifting Newbies

Building muscle isn’t just about lifting weights – what you eat plays a bigger role than you might think. Studies show around 70% of muscle growth comes from your diet. This guide simplifies the key ideas behind weightlifting nutrition, helping you make informed choices to fuel your fitness journey.  We’ll break down the essentials: what … Read more

What are beginner nutrition basics for muscle and fat loss?

Muscle and Strength Training

Over 60% of individuals who lose weight regain it within a few years, often due to solely focusing on weight loss through calorie restriction. This approach can lead to muscle loss and a slower metabolism, making it harder to maintain results.  This guide tackles a different approach: body recomposition. This involves gaining muscle while simultaneously … Read more

16 Beginner Strength Training Tips for Fat Loss & Muscle Gain

Strength Training

Tired of feeling stuck between shedding stubborn fat and building muscle? You’re not alone. A whopping 60% of adults struggle with maintaining a healthy weight, often resorting to unsustainable diet fads or intense exercise routines that leave them feeling burnt out. But what if there was a way to achieve both fat loss and muscle … Read more

Strength Training Your Way to Fat Loss: A Beginner’s Guide

Strength Training

Nearly 70% of adults in India are overweight or obese, according to a 2020 study published in the Lancet. This statistic highlights the growing need for accessible and effective strategies to achieve a healthier body composition. Building muscle and burning fat offer a powerful solution, not just for aesthetics, but for overall well-being. This comprehensive … Read more