Can Strength Training Help Beginners Lose Belly Fat? 

Strength Training

Struggling to shed stubborn belly fat despite countless crunches? You’re not alone. A staggering 60% of adults in the US battle excess belly fat (*), often leading to frustration and a feeling of hitting a plateau. While the idea of “spot reduction” (burning fat in specific areas) might sound appealing, it’s unfortunately a myth. However, … Read more

Benefits of strength training over cardio for weight loss

strength training over cardio for weight loss

Scratching your head about which exercise is better for weight loss, cardio or weights? Don’t worry, it’s a common gym mystery! Here’s the surprising truth: you don’t have to pick just one. Combining both cardio and strength training is the real champion for lasting weight loss. Let’s see why lifting weights might actually be a … Read more

How Much to Eat for Weight Loss with Strength Training?

strength training and weight loss for beginners

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of calculating maintenance calories and creating a calorie deficit for weight loss with strength training? As a beginner, these concepts can seem intimidating. That’s why I suggest a simpler approach: eat only homemade food. By consuming meals prepared by yourself or your family, you can avoid the … Read more

Why Strength Training Is the Fat-Burning Machine You Need?

Strength Training and cardio

Struggling to shed weight and feeling overwhelmed by confusing diet plans? Take a deep breath and ditch the fad diets. The key to unlocking your fitness goals lies not in restrictive eating, but in embracing two powerful tools: cardio and strength training.  This dynamic duo, when used together, works wonders for burning fat and sculpting … Read more

Does Strength Training Helps in Losing Weight?

Strength Training

The short answer is YES! Many people rely heavily on cardio, as they think strength training will make them bulky and eventually leading to weight loss plateaus or slower-than-desired results. Whereas, strength training helps you in creating an fat burning machine, which leads to burning even more calories than cardio itself. Other than that, strength … Read more