25 Kettlebell Strength Training exercises For Beginners

Looking to lose weight and build strength? Kettlebell strength training exercises are a fantastic option, making them highly effective for burning calories and toning your body.

Whether you’re swinging, squatting, or pressing, kettlebells engage multiple muscle groups and increase your heart rate, providing a full-body workout.  

Focusing on proper form and gradually increasing weight will help you achieve the best results.   

Pair these exercises with a balanced diet and regular cardio to maximize your weight loss.  

Just a few sessions each week can make a big difference in how you look and feel. So, grab those barbell and let’s get started on your fitness journey. 

How Kettlebell Strength Training Exercises Help beginners to lose weight?   

Kettlebell strength training exercises offer various benefits that every beginner has been looking for.   

The great thing about kettlebell strength training exercises is their versatility, you can do full-body exercises with in a shorter amount of time.  

When you engage in cardio, you burn the most calories when you’re doing it, but as you finish the cardio session, your calories also stop burning.  

Whereas, if you do kettlebell strength training exercises, you can burn calories after the workout also, like when you’re watching TV or relaxing on the couch.  

It is because strength training exercises will help you to become a calorie burning machine. This is because weight training helps you build muscle or lean muscle mass that is very metabolically active.

Eventually increasing the metabolism.  

This means that the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns, even if you’re just lounging on the couch. It’s like a faster metabolism without extra work.  

Another important benefit of kettlebell weight training is the afterburn effect, scientifically known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).  

After intense weight training, your body burns calories at a high rate for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours.

This calorie burn will help you lose extra pounds more effectively than traditional cardio workouts.  

So, if you’re ready to shred those fats and build a toned body, let’s dive into some killer kettlebell exercises. Ready to get started? Let’s start with exercises. 

Below there are numerous kettlebell strength training exercises divided into each body part, the only means to create this list is to find those exercises which fit perfectly for you.  

Let me explain, each person is different and so talking on that note you must pick only those exercises which help you in better gains.  

Let’s take an example, when doing biceps curls, I feel mind muscle connection in the dumbbell curls and my workout buddy feels in the barbell curls.   

Try each exercise like this week you perform biceps curls with dumbbells and on next try with kettlebell and find which helps you in better pump and mind muscle connection. 

Best Kettlebell Strength Training Eexercises For Beginners


1. Kettlebell Incline Flies: 

Kettlebell Incline Chest press
  • Lie on an incline bench set at about 45 degrees.  
  • Hold a kettlebell in each hand directly above your chest, with palms facing each other. 
  • Slowly lower the weights in a wide arc until you feel a stretch in your chest, then bring them back to the start. 
Common Issues:  
  • Overstretching at the bottom can strain the shoulder joints.  
  • Keep the movement controlled, and do not let the kettlebells go too deep. 

2. Kettlebell Incline Press: 

Kettlebell Incline press
  • Set an incline bench to about 45 degrees.  
  • Lie back with a kettlebell in each hand at shoulder level.  
  • Press the kettlebells up and slightly together at the top. 
Common Issues:  
  • Arching the back excessively to lift heavier weights.  
  • Maintain a slight natural arch in your back and keep your feet flat on the ground. 

3. Kettlebell Flies: 

Kettlebell Chest FLy
  • Lie flat on a bench with a kettlebell in each hand above your chest.  
  • Lower your arms to the sides with a slight bend in your elbows until you feel a stretch in your chest.  
  • Bring them back to the starting position. 
Common Issues:  
  • Dropping the arms too low can put undue stress on the shoulders.  
  • Keep the movement within a comfortable and effective range. 

4. Kettlebell Press: 

Kettlebell Chest Press
  • Lie on a flat bench with a kettlebell in each hand.  
  • Please start with the kettlebells at shoulder level and press them straight up until your arms are fully extended, then lower back down. 
Common Issues:  
  • Using too much wrist movement.  
  • Keep your wrists stable throughout the exercise. 


1. Kettlebell Bent Over Rows: 

Kettlebell Ben over rows
  • Stand with your knees slightly bent, holding a kettlebell in each hand.  
  • Bend over at about a 45-degree angle, keeping your back straight.  
  • Pull the kettlebells to your sides, squeezing your shoulder blades together. 
Common Issues:  
  • Rounding the back, which can cause injury.  
  • Keep your spine neutral throughout the movement. 

2. Kettlebell Pullover: 

Kettlebell back PullOver
  • Lie on a bench with your head towards the end.  
  • Hold a single kettlebell with both hands above your chest, arms extended.  
  • Slowly lower the kettlebell back over your head and return it to the starting position. 
Common Issues:  
  • Arching the lower back too much as the weight moves overhead.  
  • Keep your lower back pressed into the bench. 

3. Kettlebell Single Arm Row: 

Kettlebell one arm row
  • Place one hand and the same knee on a bench for support.  
  • Hold a kettlebell in your other hand, arm extended.  
  • Pull the kettlebell up to your side, then lower it back down. 
Common Issues:  
  • Rotating the torso during the lift.  
  • Keep your body stable to focus the work on your back. 

4. Kettlebell Floor Swings: 

Kettlebell Swing
  • Stand over a kettlebell with feet hip-width apart.  
  • Squat down, grasp the kettlebell, swing it back between your legs, then forcefully stand and swing it up to chest height. 
Common Issues:  
  • Using your arms to lift the kettlebell.  
  • The power should come from your hips and legs. 


1. Kettlebell Shoulder Press: 

Kettlebell Shoulder Press
  • Stand with a kettlebell in each hand at shoulder height.  
  • Press the weights above your head until your arms are fully extended, then lower them back to the start. 
Common Issues:  
  • Arching the back to press the weights.  
  • Engage your core to keep your torso stable. 

2. Kettlebell Arnold Press: 

Kettlebell Arnold Press
  • Start with two kettlebells at chest level, palms facing you.  
  • As you press the kettlebells overhead, rotate your arms so your palms face forward at the top. 
  • Reverse the motion as you lower the weights. 
Common Issues:  
  • Incomplete rotation or too much speed.  
  • To maximize effectiveness, perform the exercise slowly and with full control. 

3. Kettlebell Front Raise: 

Kettlebell front raises
  • Stand with a kettlebell in each hand at your sides.  
  • Raise one arm straight in front of you to shoulder height, then lower it back down and repeat with the other arm. 
Common Issues:  
  • Swinging the kettlebell.  
  • Lift with control, keeping your body still. 

4. Kettlebell Lateral Raise: 

Kettlebell Side Raises
  • Hold a kettlebell in each hand and lift the arms out to the sides, keeping a slight bend in the elbows until they are parallel to the floor.  
  • Lower them back down. 
Common Issues:  
  • Lifting too high or using momentum.  
  • Raise the kettlebells using your shoulder muscles, not by swinging them. 

5. Kettlebell Upright Row: 

Kettlebell High Pulls
  • Stand with a kettlebell in each hand, arms hanging before you.  
  • Pull the kettlebells up along your body to chest height, elbows leading.  
  • Lower back down. 
Common Issues:  
  • Raising the elbows too high can stress the shoulders.  
  • Keep the lift to a comfortable range. 


1. Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift 

Kettlebell Deadlift
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with both hands.  
  • Hinge at your hips to lower the kettlebell toward the ground, keeping a slight bend in your knees and your back flat.  
  • Return to standing. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Not keeping the back straight can lead to potential lower back strain.  
  • Ensure you engage your core and keep your shoulders back to maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement. 

2. Kettlebell Stiff-Leg Deadlift 

Kettlebell sriff Leg
  • This variation is similar to the Romanian deadlift but with legs straighter (minimal knee bend).  
  • It emphasizes hamstring and glute engagement. 

Common Mistakes:  

  • Overextending the knees can stress them.  
  • To avoid this, keep a very slight bend in the knees. 

3. Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squats 

Kettlebell Bulgarian squat
  • Stand a couple of feet before a bench and place one foot behind you.  
  • Hold a kettlebell at your chest or sides and lower into a split squat.  
  • Your front knee should stay in line with your foot as you descend. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Dropping the chest forward or allowing the front knee to push too far past the toes can cause knee pain.  
  • Focus on dropping straight down. 

4. Kettlebell Squat 

Kettlebell Goblet Squat
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell by the horns close to your chest.  
  • Squat by sitting back and down, keeping your chest up and knees wide. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Allowing the knees to cave inward or the torso to lean excessively forward.  
  • Keep the chest up and push your knees out to engage your glutes properly. 

5. Kettlebell Lunges 

Kettlebell Lunges
  • Hold a kettlebell at your side or your chest, step forward into a lunge, making sure both knees are bent at about 90 degrees.  
  • Push through your front heel to return to standing. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Letting the front knee wobble or going too far past the toes.  
  • Ensure stability and proper alignment throughout the movement. 


1. Kettlebell Standing Curls 

Kettlebell Bicep curl
  • Hold a kettlebell by the handle with both hands, palms facing each other.
  • Curl the kettlebell towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. 
Common Mistakes:
  • Swinging the kettlebell or using momentum.
  • Focus on a controlled movement to maximize bicep engagement. 

2. Kettlebell Preacher Curls 

Kettlebell Preacher Curl
  • Sit at a preacher’s bench with a kettlebell in one hand.
  • Curl the kettlebell, focusing on squeezing the bicep at the top. 
Common Mistakes:
  • Lifting too heavy can cause form breakdown.
  • Ensure you can perform each rep with strict form. 

3. Kettlebell Concentration Curls 

Kettlebell Concentration Curl
  • Sit on a bench, legs wide, and a kettlebell between your feet.  
  • Lean forward slightly, pick up the kettlebell with one hand, and curl it towards your chest. 
  • Focus on isolating the bicep. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Moving the elbow or shoulder.  
  • Keep them static for maximum isolation. 

4. Kettlebell Drag Curls 

  • Stand up, holding a kettlebell against your thighs.  
  • Drag the kettlebell up your body to your chest, elbows going back rather than out. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Not keeping the kettlebell close to the body.  
  • Ensure it drags along your torso. 


1. Kettlebell Overhead Tricep Extension 

Kettlebell Overhead Tricep Extension
  • Hold a kettlebell by the handle with both hands and lift it overhead.  
  • Lower it behind your head by bending your elbows, then extend your arms to lift it overhead again. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Flaring elbows out to the sides can strain the shoulders.  
  • Keep your elbows pointing forward. 

2. Kettlebell Skull Crushers 

Kettlebell Skull Crushers
  • Lie on a bench holding a kettlebell with both hands.  
  • Extend your arms above your chest and bend your elbows to lower the kettlebell towards your forehead.  
  • Extend your arms to return to the starting position. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Moving the elbows instead of keeping them stationary can shift the focus away from the triceps and onto the shoulders.  
  • Ensure your elbows are locked in place and the movement comes solely from bending and extending them. 

3. Kettlebell Tricep Kickbacks 

  • Stand with knees slightly bent, leaning forward slightly with a flat back.  
  • Hold a kettlebell in one hand. 
  • Keep your upper arm close to your side and parallel to the floor, then extend the kettlebell back until your arm is straight.  
  • Return to the starting position. 
Common Mistakes:  
  • Swinging the arm or not fully extending at the elbow.  
  • The focus should be on controlled movement and full extension for maximum triceps engagement. 

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using Kettlebell Strength Training Exercises?     

Kettlebell strength training exercises can be a game-changer for building muscle and losing weight, but only if you do it right.

Whether you’re new to the gym or a seasoned lifter, avoiding these common mistakes will help you get the most out of your workouts and keep your injury-free. Let’s get in. 

A.  Improper Form and Technique     

a lady performing exercise with improper form

Walking into the gym and seeing peers lifting heavy weights can tempt us to push ourselves harder. This often leads to “ego-lifting,” where people prioritize lifting heavy weights over maintaining proper form.

Ego-lifting is essentially about showing off strength rather than focusing on safe and effective exercise. 

Neglecting form and technique increases the risk of injury, which could sideline you for months or even years. Proper form isn’t just about avoiding injuries; it’s also crucial for achieving better results. 

To stay safe and make progress, choose weights that allow you to perform 10-12 reps with controlled and proper form.

Here’s a tip: start with lighter weights and higher reps to master the correct form. This approach ensures you control the weights, rather than the other way around. 

Remember to gradually increase the weight while maintaining good form. This way, you’ll build strength safely and effectively. 

B. Neglecting Warm-Up and Cool-Down   

a person doing warm up exercises

When you’re resting on your couch your blood pressure also runs at a lower rate. And when we suddenly hop into the gym and start picking up weights, your blood pressure and heart rate spikes up which can cause serious injuries, which can let you sit for months.   

That’s why it is important to do warm-up before exercise, as doing warm-up exercises like stretching or light cardio will help your body to get enough blood flow and reduce the risk of injury.   

Likewise, cool down also plays a crucial role. As we discussed during the workout, your blood flow and heart rate spikes up.    

A proper cool-down helps facilitate the return of your heart rate and breathing to their resting levels, promotes the removal of metabolic waste products from the muscles, and prevents blood from pooling in the extremities.    

Stretching as part of your cool-down routine helps improve flexibility by elongating the muscles that may have contracted during exercise. This can help reduce muscle stiffness and soreness, enhance range of motion, and improve overall muscle function. 


Incorporating kettlebell strength training exercises into your fitness routine can be a powerful way to achieve both weight loss and muscle building goals.

These versatile exercises provide a full-body workout, engaging multiple muscle groups and boosting your metabolism for continued calorie burn even after your workout ends.

By focusing on proper form, gradually increasing the weight, and ensuring a balanced diet along with regular cardio, you’ll maximize your results and see improvements in both your strength and physique.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your current routine, kettlebells offer a unique and effective approach to fitness.

Remember to listen to your body, prioritize form over heavy lifting, and include proper warm-up and cool-down sessions to avoid injuries and improve performance.

With consistency and dedication, kettlebell training can help you achieve a toned, stronger, and healthier body. So, grab those kettlebells and embark on your fitness journey with confidence!

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