4 Best Pull Day Workout 

Having a systematic workout routine is everybody’s dream. Right? 

What if I tell your there is a workout routine which will help you to build strong muscles! 

Pull Day it is. 

Pull day workout is the part of PPL split. Its full name is push/pull/legs workout. More defined- 

In push day, you train the upper body pushing muscles which are chest, shoulders, triceps.  

In pull day, you train the upper body pulling muscles which are back, biceps, and forearms. 

In legs day, you train the lower body muscles which are quads, hamstrings, calves and abdominals. 

The PPL split are gaining popularity day by day as it involves different types of muscles at each day as you focus the upper body pushing muscles on the first day and on second you are focusing the upper body pulling muscles and on third you are focusing legs.  

And by training each muscle at different day it helps you to get rest you muscle properly, which is something we slip off.  

The PPL split are gaining popularity day by day as it involves different types of muscles at each day as you focus the upper body pushing muscles on the first day and on second you are focusing the upper body pulling muscles and on third you are focusing legs.  

And by training each muscle at different day it helps you to get rest you muscle properly, which is something we slip off.  

What is Pull day workout? 

Pull Day workout is the second part of PPL split, more defined it is Push, Pull, Legs Day split. We have already discussed about Push Day Workout

These PPL workouts are designed to focus on some specific muscles.  

Like Push Day workouts are designed to focus on upper body pushing muscles like chest, shoulders, triceps whereas Pull Day workout helps you to build upper body pulling muscles which are back, biceps, and forearms.  

Pull day workouts are mainly designed build the muscles around your spine area. That’s why these exercises help you to get the ultimate posture.  

We all know that maintaining muscle are very difficult, that’s why if you opt for Pull Day workout it will help you to train the type of muscles twice a day, like: 

Monday- Push Day  

Tuesday- Pull Day 

Wednesday- Legs Day  

Thursday- Rest 

Friday- Push Day 

Saturday- Pull day 

Sunday- Legs Day 

This is the most common schedule we have seen, or you can make changes according to your own comfort.   

Difference between Pull Day and Push Day 

A push workout will include all the exercises in which we push the resistance or weight away from us. It mainly includes chest muscles, shoulder muscles and triceps muscles. 

For example — Incline bench press, shoulder press, bodyweight triceps dips, chest fly, etc. 

A pull workout includes the exercises in which we pull the weight towards the body. It mainly includes back and biceps and a few shoulder exercises. 

For example — all rowing exercises, deadlifts, rack pulls, bicep curls, shoulder shrugs, lateral raises etc. 

Why to use Pull Day Workout? 

By adding Pull Day to your routine, you can build a muscular upper body and improve your posture by strengthening the muscles that support your spine. 

PPL day allows you to recover your muscles by training different muscles at different days.  

This means that you will get the maximum overlap of movements within the same workout, and the muscle groups being trained get an overall benefit from this overlap.  

For example, when you train chest with say bench press, you are also hitting your anterior deltoids and triceps hard. And when you train shoulders, you are again involving your triceps. So, it makes sense to work these all together in the same workout for maximum synergy and effectiveness. 

Who Should Use a Pull Day? 

The Pull Day split is ideal for all the fitness lovers, one can be beginner, intermediate or an advanced trainee. 

More specifically though, if you are just starting out or have not had much in the way of results from your efforts so far, you’ll almost certainly do best with a full body workout routine, training three days per week. Stick with this for at least six months – more if you are still progressing well. 

Once you hit the intermediate stage however you’ll probably find you’ll do better with an upper/lower split routine training three or four days per week. And this is in fact one of the best ways to train for the vast majority of the population. 

But at any time past the beginner stage, you may find the push/pull/legs split suits you better. Or you may wish to alternate upper/lower splits with push/pull/legs split in order to derive all the benefits that each has to offer. 

Either way the push/pull/legs split is an extremely effective method of training that is certain to give you exceptional results if you apply yourself to it diligently. 


Here are examples of training splits for beginners and intermediate and advanced lifters: 

For beginners  

  • Day 1: push 
  • Day 2: rest 
  • Day 3: pull 
  • Day 4: rest 
  • Day 5: legs and core 

For Intermediate 

  • Day 1: push 
  • Day 2: pull 
  • Day 3: legs and core 
  • Day 4: rest 
  • Day 5: push 
  • Day 6: pull 
  • Day 7: legs and core 

For advanced  

  • Day 1: push 
  • Day 2: pull 
  • Day 3: legs and core 
  • Day 4: push 
  • Day 5: pull 
  • Day 6: legs and core 
  • Day 7: rest 

4-Pull Day Workout 


Firstly, stand under the pull up bar and with right width grab the pull up bar and hang on it for a second make your grip stronger as to not to get injury. 

Now, pull up your shoulders and bend your feet like shown in the picture. Also, engage your core by pulling your belly button in toward your spine. 

Pull up your body until your chin is above the bar.  

You will feel pain in your shoulders and affected part of your body but you will comfort by practicing it day by day.  

Inhale while lowering your body and exhale when pulling up.  

Bent-over barbell row 

Grab the barbells and slightly bend your torso until it is parallel to floor with your shoulders and glutes activated.  

Make your back straight with slight bend in the knees. Then pull up the barbell.  

Keep your elbows near to your waist as shown and face at up.  

Return the bar and repeat the motion for the desired number of repetitions. 

Inhale while lowering the barbell and exhale when taking up.  

Biceps curls 

Firstly, don’t lock or stiff your legs, knees, hands and all that as keeping them stiff can cause you an injury.  

Grab both the dumbbells as we are doing the dual biceps curl and if you want to, you can to single biceps curl also.  

Now, in biceps curl the controlling when coming back down is very important. So, don’t take your hands back quickly instead back them down slowly.  

Keep your hands in the neutral position like shown in the picture and rotate your wrist when coming back and forth.  

Inhale while getting back and exhale when picking up.  

Cable Pulldown 

Cable pulldown can be down in two ways either standing or sitting on bench. This depends on the machines which you have in your gym.  

For sitting, 

Sit down on the cable pulldown machine bench, facing towards the weight like shown in the picture.  

Reach up and grab the bar with your palms facing away from you and your hands shoulder-width apart. 

And make sure that your feet are flat on the ground.  

Pull down the bar till your chest and keep your back slightly curved. Slowly return the bar. 

For standing, 

Grab the bar with our hands shoulder-width apart.  

Do it likewise we have done in the Bent-over barbell row, by bending your torso when pulling the bar down.  

Keep your back straight and knees slightly bend down.  

Inhale when returning back the bar and exhale when pulling the bar down.  

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Is pull day back and biceps?

Yes, pull day targets the upper body pulling muscles like back, biceps and forearms.

Is deadlift pull or legs?

Deadlift is a part of legs split not a part of pull split because when we do deadlift it mainly focus on lower body like hamstring and like that. That’s why deadlift is a part of legs split.

Is bicep push or pull?

Biceps is a part of pull day workout. When its exercises are performed it pulls the muscles.

Are dips push or pull?

Dips is a part of push workout. As when performing dips our body pushes the muscles.

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