Cardio Before or After strength training? :Optimal Beginner Routine

The order in which you perform exercises can significantly impact the outcomes of your workout.

Whether you start with cardio or strength training can influence how your body responds to exercise and the results you achieve. 

Think of your workout order like a recipe. The order of ingredients can drastically impact the final dish.

Similarly, the sequence of your exercises can influence how effectively you reach your goals.

Whether you crave sculpted muscles or shredded fat, strategic planning can make all the difference. 

This sets the stage for the debate of cardio before or after weight training, a topic that has garnered much attention in the fitness community. 

In this article, we’ll delve into this debate, exploring the implications of workout order on fat loss, muscle building, and overall fitness

Burning Fat: Strength training Before or After? 

Burning Fat_ Strength training Before or After_ 

One of the primary considerations when deciding between cardio before or after weight training is its effect on fat burning.

Many believe that doing cardio before weight training can enhance fat burning during the workout.

The rationale behind this is that engaging in cardio exercises first depletes glycogen stores, forcing the body to rely more on fat for energy during subsequent weight training.

However, research suggests that the difference in fat burning between the two approaches may not be significant. [*]

I’ve seen many beginners prioritize burning fat and underestimate the importance of building muscle. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue.

So, focusing on building muscle through weight training, even for beginners seeking fat loss, can be a more sustainable approach in the long run. 

Building Muscle: Cardio Before or After? 

Building Muscle_ Cardio Before or After_ 

For those looking to build muscle through strength training, the order of exercises can also play a crucial role. Lifting weights before doing cardio may have certain advantages when it comes to muscle growth.

Performing weight training exercises first allows you to maximize your strength and energy levels, potentially leading to more effective muscle stimulation.

Additionally, weight training increases the production of anabolic hormones like testosterone, which is beneficial for muscle development. 

Beginner-Friendly Approach: Cardio Before or After?

Beginner-Friendly Approach: Cardio Before or After?

As a beginner, it’s essential to consider what approach aligns best with your goals, preferences, and fitness level.

While some may thrive with cardio before weight training, others may find the opposite to be more suitable.

It’s crucial to listen to your body and experiment with different workout orders to determine what works best for you.

Additionally, focusing on consistency and gradually increasing intensity is key to long-term success. 

However, for beginners, setting aside specific goals and preferences, it may be beneficial to do cardio after strength training.

This sequencing allows you to conserve energy as cardio tends to expend a significant amount of energy, potentially leaving you fatigued for the subsequent weight training session.

Alternatively, if time permits, splitting your cardio and strength training sessions, with cardio in the morning and strength training in the evening, can also be an effective approach. 

Or if you have enough time, you can do a cardio session in the morning and a workout session in the evening. 

Frequency of Workouts for Beginners 

Determining how frequently to perform cardio and weight training sessions each week depends on various factors, including fitness goals, current fitness level, and recovery capacity.

Beginners should aim for at least three to four days of exercise per week, allowing for adequate rest and recovery between sessions.

As fitness levels improve, gradually increasing workout frequency can help further progress. 


The “cardio before or after” debate shouldn’t hold you back. Experiment with different workout orders and routines to find what works best for you and your goals.

Remember, consistency and gradual progression are the cornerstones of achieving your fitness aspirations.

So, grab your workout gear (or comfy clothes.), hit the gym (or your living room.), and have fun on your fitness journey. 

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