28 Best Circuit Training Workouts for Weight Loss at Home: Slim Down and Shape Up

Are you weary of the monotonous grind of conventional workouts, feeling as if your efforts are leading nowhere?  

Or, perhaps you seek a method to shed those stubborn extra pounds without the inconveniences of crowded fitness centers and costly memberships?  

Well, fortune has smiled upon you. The realm of home-based circuit training for weight loss might be the exhilarating fitness solution you’ve been yearning for.  

In the forthcoming guide, we are poised to embark on a thrilling journey that will enable you to reshape your physique, all from the comfort of your own living space.  

Bid farewell to ennui and extend a warm welcome to efficacious, captivating exercise routines that will imbue you with a sense of newfound strength, fitness, and vitality.  

Table of Contents

Understanding the Circuit Training for Weight Loss  

What is Circuit Training?  

At its core, circuit training resembles a fitness virtuoso that delivers a potent impact in a condensed timeframe.  

It revolves around the fusion of two fitness paradigms – strength training and cardiovascular exercise – creating a heart-pounding, muscle-engaging experience.  

But how does it function?  

Imagine this: You seamlessly transition through a sequence of exercises, one after the other, with minimal to no intervals for reprieve.  

Each exercise specifically targets distinct muscle groups, ensuring that every muscle experiences stimulation.  

This uninterrupted shift from one exercise to the next sustains an elevated heart rate, igniting the incineration of calories and enhancing cardiovascular fitness.  

Yet, here lies its magnificence – circuit training transcends the realm of a mere “feel the burn” workout. It is substantiated by scientific inquiry.  

Findings published in the “Journal of Sports Science & Medicine” have demonstrated that circuit training can elevate muscular endurance, augment aerobic fitness, and reconfigure overall body composition.  

It stands as an adaptable approach, accommodating individuals of varying fitness proficiencies, whether you are a neophyte or a seasoned connoisseur.  

In essence, circuit training epitomizes your personalized fitness chameleon – a dynamic entity capable of facilitating weight loss, muscle growth, and enhanced endurance all encapsulated within a single, versatile package.  

Are you prepared to plunge into the enthralling universe of home-based circuit training for weight loss? Let the journey commence.  

The Science Behind Circuit Training for Weight Loss  

The science behind why circuit training is a heavyweight champion in the battle against those pesky pounds.  

Burning Calories Like a Pro  

Ever wonder why you’re sweating buckets during a circuit training session? It’s not just because you’re working hard – it’s because your body is in full calorie-burning mode.  

A study published in the “Journal of Sports Science & Medicine” tells us that the high-intensity nature of circuit training amps up calorie expenditure.  

This means you’re torching calories during the workout, but here’s the kicker – your body continues to burn them post-workout too. It’s like getting a bonus calorie burn while you chill on the couch after your session.  

Metabolism on Overdrive  

Circuit training isn’t just about shedding pounds; it’s about revving up your metabolism.  

Research in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” shows that this style of training increases something called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).  

In simpler terms, this means your metabolism keeps humming along at a higher rate even after your workout.  

So, while you’re sipping that post-workout protein shake, your body is busily breaking down fat for energy.  

Bye-bye, Fat – Hello, Muscle  

Weight loss isn’t just about dropping numbers on the scale; it’s also about looking toned and fit.  

Circuit training has your back here too.  

A study in the “Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation” found that it helps maintain and even increase lean muscle mass while shedding fat.  

This means you won’t just be smaller; you’ll be stronger and more defined too.  

Cardiovascular Fitness Boost  

When it comes to improving your cardiovascular health, circuit training is a game-changer.  

A study in the “European Journal of Applied Physiology” demonstrates that it significantly enhances cardiovascular endurance.  

This means your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood, which not only aids in weight loss but also reduces the risk of heart disease.  

Hormone Harmony  

Circuit training can also influence hormones in your favor. Intense circuit workouts trigger the release of hormones like adrenaline and growth hormones.  

These hormones play a crucial role in fat breakdown and muscle growth.  

Research in the “European Journal of Applied Physiology” highlights that circuit training can positively impact your hormonal balance, making your body more efficient at utilizing stored fat for energy.  

Efficiency is Key  

Busy schedule? No problem. Circuit training is a time-efficient fitness strategy.  

A study in the “Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness” reveals that you can achieve similar or even better results in less time compared to traditional workouts.  

So, if you’re pressed for time, circuit training can help you maximize your weight loss efforts.  

Variety and Mental Health  

The mix of exercises in circuit training keeps things interesting, preventing boredom from derailing your fitness journey.  

Furthermore, engaging in regular circuit workouts can positively impact your mental health.  

Research in the “Journal of Clinical Psychology” suggests that physical activity, like circuit training, can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, potentially making it easier to stick to your weight loss goals.  

9 Effective Circuit Training Workouts  

Workout 1: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)  

HIIT is known for its calorie-crushing abilities. Research published in the “Journal of Obesity” confirms that it’s highly effective for weight loss. It revs up your metabolism, burning calories during and after the workout, making it a top choice for shedding those extra pounds.  

Exercise 1: Jump Squats  

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Bend your knees and lower your hips into a squat position.  
  • Explosively jump up, extending your legs fully.  
  • Land softly and immediately go into the next squat.  

Exercise 2: Push-Ups  

  • Start in a plank position, with your hands shoulder-width apart.  
  • Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground.  
  • Push through your palms to return to the starting position.  
  • If needed, you can perform push-ups on your knees.  

Exercise 3: Burpees  

  • Begin in a standing position.  
  • Drop into a squat position with your hands on the floor.  
  • Kick your feet back into a plank position.  
  • Immediately return your feet to the squat position.  
  • Explosively jump up from the squat, reaching your arms overhead.  

Exercise 4: Plank  

  • Get into a plank position with your elbows directly under your shoulders.  
  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.  
  • Engage your core and hold for the designated time.  

Workout Routine: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest. Complete one circuit (all four exercises) and then take a 1-minute rest. Repeat the circuit 2-3 times, depending on your fitness level.  

Workout 2: Bodyweight Blitz   

Are you ready for a full-body transformation right in the comfort of your own home? Look no further. In this section, we’ll explore a variety of circuit training workouts designed to maximize your weight loss efforts. Each workout packs a punch, targeting different muscle groups and combining cardio and strength exercises. So, let’s dive into Workout 2: Bodyweight Blast.  

The Bodyweight Blitz circuit stands as an excuse-free regimen that necessitates minimal equipment. It shines in cultivating functional strength, enhancing flexibility, and vanquishing those unwelcome pounds.  

Exercise 1: Bodyweight Squats  

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, emulating the posture of sitting in an invisible chair.  
  • Keep your chest upright, back in alignment, and knees in sync with your toes.  
  • Descend as far as your flexibility permits without discomfort.  
  • Propel through your heels to return to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.  

Exercise 2: Mountain Climbers  

  • Initiate from a push-up stance with your hands positioned directly under your shoulders, and your body forming a straight line.  
  • Engage your core and bring one knee towards your chest.  
  • Swiftly alternate legs, drawing the opposite knee toward your chest while extending the initial leg backward.  
  • Continue the alternating leg motion in a running-like rhythm.  
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.  

Exercise 3: Push-Ups  

  • Commence in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.  
  • Lower your body by flexing your elbows, maintaining their proximity to your sides.  
  • Descend until your chest nears the ground or reaches your strength limit.  
  • Push through your palms to restore yourself to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.  

Exercise 4: Bicycle Crunches  

  • Lie on your back, with your hands positioned behind your head and knees bent.  
  • Elevate your shoulders off the ground, engaging your core.  
  • Bring your right elbow and left knee toward each other while extending your right leg.  
  • Alternate by drawing your left elbow and right knee toward each other while extending your left leg.  
  • Maintain this pedaling motion while keeping your core engaged.  
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.  

Workout Routine: Execute each exercise for 30 seconds. Pause for 15 seconds between exercises. Complete the circuit three times, resulting in a total workout duration of 12 minutes.  

Workout 3: Dumbbell Dynamo – Sculpt Your Path to Strength  

Welcome to the Dumbbell Dynamo circuit – your gateway to a more potent, leaner physique. The inclusion of dumbbells introduces an extra dimension to your workout, targeting specific muscles and further elevating your metabolism. Let’s embark on this sculpting journey.  

Dumbbell circuits facilitate muscle mass accrual while ramping up your heart rate for calorie incineration. This combination is the ideal recipe for shedding weight while sculpting your physique.  

Dumbbell Squats  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.  
  • Position your feet hip-width apart.  
  • Descend into a squat while keeping your back upright.  
  • Thrust through your heels to return to the initial position.  
  • Repeat for 12 reps.  

Dumbbell Lunges  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand by your sides.  
  • Take a stride forward with one leg and lower your body into a lunge.  
  • Ensure that both knees form 90-degree angles.  
  • Push off your lead foot to return to the starting stance.  
  • Repeat for 10 reps on each leg.  

Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing your body.  
  • Slightly bend your knees and hinge your hips to lean forward.  
  • Keep your back straight while raising the dumbbells to hip level.  
  • Lower the dumbbells back to the initial position.  
  • Repeat for 12 reps.  

Dumbbell Push Press  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.  
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.  
  • Slightly bend your knees.  
  • Propel the dumbbells overhead while straightening your legs.  
  • Lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height.  
  • Repeat for 10 reps.  

Workout Routine: Execute each exercise sequentially with minimal rest. Complete the circuit three times, pausing for 60 seconds between circuits.  

Workout 4: Tabata Turbo – Ignite Your Fat-Burning Furnace  

Prepare to supercharge your circuit training regimen with Tabata Turbo. This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) method functions like a turbo boost for your metabolism, ensuring prolonged calorie burning post-workout. If you’re short on time but eager to maximize your weight loss endeavors, Tabata Turbo holds the key.  

Tabata Turbo is renowned for enhancing both aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels swiftly. It’s the go-to choice for busy individuals seeking a quick, efficient, and effective workout.  

Exercise 1: Jump Squats  

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Descend into a squat position while maintaining an erect back and elevated chest.  
  • Explode upward from the squat position, extending your arms overhead.  
  • Land softly, bending your knees to absorb the impact, and immediately transition into the next squat.  

Exercise 2: Push-Ups  

  • Initiate in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.  
  • Descend your body by flexing your elbows while sustaining a straight back.  
  • Propel yourself back to the starting position.  

Exercise 3: Burpees  

  • Commence in a standing position.  
  • Drop into a squat posture and place your hands on the ground.  
  • Thrust your feet back into a plank position.  
  • Promptly return your feet to the squat stance.  
  • Explosively leap upward from the squat position, extending your arms overhead.  

Exercise 4: Plank  

  • Begin in a push-up stance but with your weight supported on your forearms instead of your hands.  
  • Maintain a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core.  
  • Sustain this posture for the prescribed duration.  

The Routine: Execute each exercise for 20 seconds. Follow with a 10-second rest period. Repeat this cycle for 8 rounds, constituting a 4-minute duration.  

Although brief, don’t underestimate Tabata Turbo; it will induce perspiration and maintain an accelerated metabolism for hours.  

Workout 5: Core Crusher 

A strong core is the foundation of your fitness journey. Not only does it help you maintain good posture and prevent back pain, but it also plays a key role in overall strength and balance. In this Core Crusher circuit, we’ll target those abdominal muscles, giving you the core strength you need while melting away those pesky calories.  

Exercise 1: Bicycle Crunches (1 minute)  

  • Lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head.  
  • Lift your head, shoulders, and feet off the ground.  
  • Bring your right elbow and left knee together while extending your right leg.  
  • Alternate by bringing your left elbow and right knee together while extending your left leg.  
  • Keep a steady, controlled pace, and focus on engaging your core.  

Exercise 2: Plank (45 seconds)  

  • Begin in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders.  
  • Engage your core and keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.  
  • Hold this position for the specified time, keeping your abs tight.  
  • To modify, you can drop down to your forearms.  

Exercise 3: Russian Twists (1 minute)  

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your heels on the ground.  
  • Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your sit bones.  
  • Hold a weight or a household item like a water bottle with both hands.  
  • Twist your torso to the right, bringing the weight beside your hip.  
  • Return to the center and twist to the left, repeating the movement.  

Exercise 4: Leg Raises (45 seconds)  

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides.  
  • Keep your legs straight and lift them off the ground to a 90-degree angle.  
  • Slowly lower your legs back down, stopping just above the ground.  
  • Lift them back up, engaging your lower abdominal muscles throughout.  

Routine: Perform this circuit 2-3 times, with a 15-30-second rest between exercises and a 1-2 minute rest between circuits.  

Workout 6: Cardio Kick  

Prepare for a workout that will make you feel like a true champion. Cardio Kick isn’t just about burning calories; it’s an adrenaline-pumping, stress-relieving, and empowering journey. As you unleash a flurry of punches, kicks, and knee strikes, you’ll also be incinerating calories and sculpting lean, mean muscle. Let’s lace up our imaginary boxing gloves and get started.  

Exercise 1: Jab-Cross Combo  

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.  
  • Begin with a jab (a quick, straight punch) from your dominant hand, followed by a cross (a powerful punch) from your non-dominant hand.  
  • Alternate between jabs and crosses for 30 seconds, maintaining proper form and pivoting your back foot with each cross.  

Exercise 2: Front Kicks  

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands guarding your face.  
  • Lift your right knee toward your chest, then extend your leg forward in a swift kicking motion.  
  • Repeat with your left leg.  
  • Continue alternating front kicks for 30 seconds, focusing on balance and control.  

Exercise 3: Roundhouse Kicks  

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands guarding your face.  
  • Pivot on your right foot and swing your left leg in a circular motion, aiming to strike an imaginary target with the side of your foot.  
  • Bring your left leg back to the starting position and repeat the motion for 30 seconds.  
  • Switch to your right leg and continue for another 30 seconds.  

Exercise 4: Knee Strikes  

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands guarding your face.  
  • Lift your right knee toward your chest while simultaneously thrusting your hips forward.  
  • Return your right leg to the starting position and repeat the motion for 30 seconds.  
  • Switch to your left leg and continue for another 30 seconds.  

The Cardio Kick Routine: Jab-Cross Combo: 30 seconds Front Kicks: 30 seconds Roundhouse Kicks (left leg): 30 seconds Roundhouse Kicks (right leg): 30 seconds Knee Strikes (left leg): 30 seconds Knee Strikes (right leg): 30 seconds Rest for 60 seconds between rounds.  

Workout 7: Leg Day Burner  

Welcome to the Leg Day Burner circuit workout. We all know that leg day is infamous for its sweat-inducing, muscle-burning reputation. But fret not, because this circuit training routine will not only scorch calories but also sculpt and fortify those lower limbs. Get ready to flaunt those shorts with confidence.  

A robust lower body not only looks fantastic but also enhances your overall athleticism and balance. This workout can enhance your posture, reduce the risk of injuries, and rev up your metabolism.  

Exercise 1: Squats  

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Lower your body by bending your knees and hips, maintaining a straight back.  
  • Aim to have your thighs parallel to the ground.  
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for 15 reps.  

Exercise 2: Lunges  

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.  
  • Take a step forward with your right leg and lower your body until both knees are bent at 90 degrees.  
  • Push off your right foot and return to the starting position.  
  • Alternate legs and repeat for 12 reps on each side.  

Exercise 3: Glute Bridges  

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  
  • Lift your hips off the ground by squeezing your glutes.  
  • Hold for a moment at the top, then lower your hips back down.  
  • Repeat for 15 reps.  

Exercise 4: Calf Raises  

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.  
  • Rise onto the balls of your feet, lifting your heels as high as possible.  
  • Lower your heels back down.  
  • Repeat for 20 reps.  

Exercise 5: Wall Sits  

  • Find a wall and lean your back against it.  
  • Slide down until your knees form a 90-degree angle.  
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.  

Workout Routine: Execute each exercise consecutively with minimal rest between them. After completing all five exercises, take a 1-minute rest. Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds  

Workout 8: Upper Body Sculpt  

Welcome to the “Upper Body Sculpt” circuit training regimen – your passport to attaining robust and finely sculpted arms, shoulders, and chest right within the confines of your beloved abode. This workout isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about cultivating functional strength for your everyday endeavors. Moreover, a well-defined upper body can elevate your overall self-assurance. So, let’s delve into the process of forging those coveted upper-body muscles.  

Advantages of Upper Body Sculpt Circuit Training:  

  • Chiseled Arms: Bid farewell to flabby arms and greet well-defined, sculpted ones.  
  • Sturdy Shoulders: Enhance shoulder strength and stability, enhancing your capability for daily tasks.  
  • Amplified Chest: Develop a formidable chest, balancing both aesthetic appeal and practical strength.  

Push-Ups (Chest and Triceps)  

  • Begin in a plank position, with your hands positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.  
  • Lower your body until your chest hovers just above the ground.  
  • Push yourself back up to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.  

Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Biceps)  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing forward.  
  • Curl the dumbbells upward toward your shoulders.  
  • Lower them back down to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.  

Triceps Dips (Triceps)  

  • Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair or bench, palms facing downward, fingers gripping the edge.  
  • Slide your hips off the chair, descending your body toward the floor.  
  • Bend your elbows to approximately 90 degrees.  
  • Push back up to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.  

Shoulder Press (Shoulders)  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, with palms facing forward.  
  • Press the dumbbells overhead until your arms fully extend.  
  • Lower them back down to shoulder height.  
  • Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.  

Plank to Push-Up (Core and Upper Body)  

  • Start in a forearm plank position.  
  • Push up onto your hands, one hand at a time, until you assume a push-up position.  
  • Lower yourself back down to your forearms, one arm at a time.  
  • Repeat for 10-12 repetitions (5 per arm).  

Bent-Over Rows (Upper Back)  

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with palms facing your body.  
  • Slightly bend your knees and hinge forward at your hips.  
  • Pull the dumbbells toward your hips, squeezing your shoulder blades together.  
  • Lower the dumbbells back down.  
  • Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.  

Routine: Repeat this circuit 2-3 times, with a 60-second rest interlude between circuits.  

Workout 9: Full-Body Fusion  

Welcome to the grand culmination of our circuit training series: the Full-Body Fusion workout. Prepare to engage every muscle group in an exhilarating session. This workout isn’t just about burning calories; it’s about feeling like a fitness superstar.  

This circuit workout amalgamates a diverse array of exercises targeting all major muscle groups, ensuring a balanced and effective full-body workout. You will cultivate strength, obliterate calories, and enhance overall fitness.  

Jumping Jacks (Cardio Blast)  

  • Duration: 1 minute  
  • Commence with your feet together and arms at your sides.  
  • Jump while simultaneously spreading your legs and raising your arms overhead.  
  • Land with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms returning to your sides.  
  • Repeat at a brisk pace for the designated duration.  

Push-Ups (Upper Body)  

  • Repetitions: 10-12  
  • Initiate from a plank position, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.  
  • Lower your body while maintaining a straight back until your chest touches the ground.  
  • Push back up to the starting position.  

Bodyweight Squats (Lower Body)  

  • Repetitions: 12-15  
  • Begin with your feet hip-width apart.  
  • Lower your body by bending your knees while preserving a straight back.  
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position.  

Plank (Core)  

  • Duration: 45 seconds  
  • Start in a push-up position, with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders.  
  • Maintain a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core.  
  • Hold this position for the designated time.  

Alternating Lunges (Lower Body)  

  • Repetitions: 12-15 (Each leg)  
  • Start with your feet together.  
  • Take a step forward with one leg, bending both knees to create two 90-degree angles.  
  • Push back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.  

Russian Twists (Core)  

  • Repetitions: 15-20 (Each side, utilizing a weight or household item)  
  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat.  
  • Lean back slightly, lifting your feet off the ground.  
  • Grasp a weight with both hands and twist your torso to one side, tapping the weight on the floor beside you.  
  • Rotate to the other side and repeat.  

Routine: Repeat the entire circuit 2-3 times, with a 1-2 minute rest interval between rounds.  

Tips for Success  

Let’s dive into some real-world tips that can help you succeed on your circuit training journey.  

1. Consistency is Your Best Friend: Consistency is like the secret sauce of fitness success. Whether it’s circuit training or any other workout, sticking to a routine is key. So, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it like glue. Your body will thank you for your progress.  

2. Variety Keeps It Exciting: If you find yourself dreading your workouts, it’s time to mix things up. Circuit training offers endless possibilities. Change your exercises, the order, or the duration to keep things fresh. When it’s fun, it doesn’t feel like a chore.  

3. Form Over Speed: It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of circuit training, but don’t sacrifice form for speed. Proper form not only prevents injuries but also ensures you’re targeting the right muscles. So, slow down when needed, and focus on quality reps.  

4. Listen to Your Body: Your body is your best fitness tracker. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t push through the pain. Learn to differentiate between muscle fatigue and discomfort that signals potential injury. It’s okay to rest and recover when necessary.  

5. Nutrition Matters: You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating – you can’t out-train a bad diet. To maximize your weight loss efforts, fuel your body with balanced nutrition. Lean proteins, whole grains, plenty of veggies, and hydration are your allies.  

6. Track Your Progress: There’s something incredibly motivating about seeing your progress. Keep a workout journal or use a fitness app to log your sessions, note improvements in reps or weights, and track your measurements. It’s tangible proof of your hard work.  


In conclusion, circuit training isn’t just a workout; it’s a ticket to a healthier, fitter you.  

With science on your side, you’ll burn calories, boost your metabolism, and sculpt your body.  

Remember the six tips: be consistent, keep it fresh, prioritize form, listen to your body, eat well, and track your progress.  

So lace up those sneakers, hit the circuit, and let’s make those fitness goals a reality. Your journey starts now, and it’s going to be incredible.  


How often should I do circuit training for weight loss?  

Aim for 3-4 sessions per week to see substantial weight loss results.  

Can I modify the exercises to suit my fitness level?  

Absolutely. Circuit training is adaptable, so you can adjust exercises and rest intervals to match your abilities.  

Is circuit training suitable for beginners?  

Yes, it can be modified for beginners. Start with simpler exercises and shorter durations.  

What should I eat before a circuit training session?  

Opt for a light, balanced meal or snack containing carbohydrates and protein about 1-2 hours before your workout.  

How long does it take to see weight loss results with circuit training?  

Results vary, but you may start noticing changes in 4-6 weeks if you maintain a healthy diet and stay consistent with your workouts  

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